Friday 26 August 2011

Mobile Broadband Phone; Steve Jobs on apple’s CEO rumor

Mobile broadband phone future plans, is it will make changes in significant ? there is still rumor for Steve Jobs replacement in CEO Position. Is iPhone 5 as their future product release which already offered by many Mobile Broadband Carrier in their phone service in Mobile Broadband Plans for their customer, can survive or will be in major progress ?
It's hard to imagine Apple without the iconic turtleneck-clad figure of Steve Jobs at the helm. Jobs is not Apple's CEO, but he is still the chairman. Both have already been touched by the hand of Jobs. Tim Cook is widely known as an operations expert. So responsibility will fall to Apple's senior managers: iOS chief Scott Forstall, design guru Jonathan Ive, and senior vice president Phil Schiller among others.
Can this team run Apple effectively? Silicon Valley venture capitalist Bill Gurley noted that Jobs has his name on over 300 patents for Apple – an unheard of number for a CEO. Apple without Jobs may be the end of an era.
Apple’s Board of Directors has already named Tim Cook, formerly the company’s Chief Operating Officer, as Jobs’s replacement. Who is Cook, and can he maintain Apple’s magic?
Profiles of Cook and Jobs paint a picture of Jobs as the company’s innovative guru, and Cook as an organizational wizard. That is all Cook.” Cook has been with Apple since 1998 – in fact, he was recruited just after Jobs returned to the helm and the company went from being nearly bankrupt to being the most valuable technology company in the world. Are you excited about Cook’s promotion? Worried about what this means for Apple’s future?
“Employees are asking themselves, ‘Was I working for Apple or for Steve?’ Apple has a history of high job satisfaction among employees and a cult-like following among its users. “We’ve collected more than 1,000 reviews from Apple employees. Some Jobs fans at Apple may strike out on their own to create new companies or join other tech companies, but many will look up to Cook as carrying Jobs’ torch.
Elliot says he “saw Steve Jobs” in Cook onstage when Verizon announced the iPhone, and that Cook has picked up and learned from Jobs’ intensity for perfection.
Whereas Jobs was a creative leader who emphasized exploration and risk-taking, Cook’s core competence is operations. “In the short term, Apple will be able to benefit from ambidexterity,” having Cook as CEO and Jobs on the board, said Makri. As the world watches Cook’s direction and Apple’s upcoming products, consumers will also weigh their loyalty.
“Consumers feel closely attached with the Apple brand. And a major part of the Apple brand is Steve Jobs,” Schmitt wrote in an email to “This is a critical time for Apple.

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