Tuesday 9 August 2011

AT&T Acquisition : T-Mobile & Qualcom Spectrum

Mobile Broadband Issue, recent information on internet from reliable resource to read. US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is facing the hard situation with action that AT&T take in this late Telecommunication expansion. Mobile Broadband action to achieve more subcriber in AT&T Mobile broadband plans service is taking major share from T-Mobile USA & Spectrum from Qualcommm Lincense.

AT&T Acquisition Plans T-Mobile & Qualcomm Spectrum
Quotes Our Mobile Broadband info from investorplace there will be major subcriber under AT&T Mobile Broaband Service if Acquision from T-Mobile is achieved with 130 million subcriber under AT&T. Subscription fees in six major cities could grow by $35, according to research firm Yankee Group. Than our Mobile Broadband Bill will growth enough to cover the cost that AT&T expend during the acquision.

Rumors for Mobile Broadband Issue which handle by FCC right now from engadget, there halts action for the acquition in major Telecommunication business. There must be No major Market Controller in Mobile Phone Service, according to United States Antitrust Law.

In future of our Mobile Broadband Service is wishes for better service and better cost (cheaper we meant, -red), no more higher cost to get Mobile broadband plans service from Telecommunication Carrier. Information is colaborate from many source.

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