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Thursday, 18 July 2019
hari ketiga - mutual distribution routing & IPv6
R1 ---- R3 --- R5
|| ||
|| ||
R2 ----R4 ---R6
kondisi EIGRP (R1, R2, R3, R4) , RIP (R3, R4, R5,R5).
semua saling distribusi, saat traceroute dari R6 ke loopback R1. ternyata bolak balik aja antara R2 dan R4.
gimana cara agar loopback R1 bisa tembus ke R6 ?
dengan cara menggunakan tagging di route-map. tag di R3 & R4.
case berikut nya
= R2 =
R1 < > switch == R4
= R3 =
Tentang koneksi nya ada loop routing ke R4. dynamic routing topologi nya pakai RIP. akhirnya di seting lebih besar administrataive distance di salah satu router RIP.
---- IPV 6 -
banyak pakai tunnel karena masih banyak yg pakai IPV4. isatap, gre dsb.
Sprint Newsroom: Sprint Receives Top Score on the 2019 Disability Equality Index Awards for Fifth Consecutive Year
Sprint Receives Top Score on the 2019 Disability Equality Index Awards for Fifth Consecutive Year
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., July 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- For the fifth consecutive year, the 2019 Disability Equality Index (DEI®) has recognized Sprint (NYSE: S) as one of the "Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion" – earning a top score of 100 for fostering an inclusive, welcoming work environment for people affected by disabilities.
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Sprint Newsroom: Boost Mobile Unveils Enhanced Wi-Fi Hotspot Data Plan
Boost Mobile Unveils Enhanced Wi-Fi Hotspot Data Plan
IRVINE, Calif., July 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Staying connected just got easier with a new data-only plan option from Boost Mobile. New and existing customers can get 50GB of data for just $50 a month, to use with any 4G LTE broadband device. To make the most of the data plan offering, the Coolpad Surf™ hotspot device is now available for $49.99 (plus tax) at BoostMobile.com and Boost Mobile stores nationwide.
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Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Millions of Global Consumers will Soon Shop Using Dynamics' Connected Wallet Cardâ„¢ Powered by Sprint's Curiosityâ„¢ IoT
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., July 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sprint's (NYSE: S) ground-breaking Curiosity™ IoT is enabling connectivity, over-the-air device management and intelligent data capabilities for Dynamics' Wallet Card™ – the world's first connected payment card – as millions of consumers around the world begin to change the way they manage payment accounts and shop. Already adopted by major global financial institutions, the Wallet Card will operate with seamless connectivity through Curiosity IoT, remote device management and instant intelligent data capabilities that benefit both banks and consumers alike.
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ospf - catatan
area0 di sambungkan ke area lain. gunakan virtual link . virtual link di area lain panggil router-id dari area 0 yang dituju. dan sebaliknya virtual link juga diperlukan di router yg punya area0, dengan panggil router-id router lain yg memiliki area lain.
gunakan GRE TUnel, buat interface tunel (virtual). sambungkan dengan menyebutkan tunnel source & tunnel destination yaitu ip address yg direct connect antar router. lalu interface tunnel di beri ip address. ip address interface tunnel tsb dimasukkan dalam network di ospf dan dimasukkan dalam area 0.
OSPF Link State Area (LSA) |
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
eigrp - belajar
no auto-summary, the network appears as it is without changing the network to its class category.
---------- filtering route - distributte list.
1 . buat access-list 1 - 99 (standard)
2. deny that will be deny
3. permit any, so that the one in the deny network is mentioned
4. Enter the eigrp router 1
5. distribute-list 1 in s0/0
the result is that the network cannot be blocked cannot be reached.
for the case:
router 1 <> router 2 <> router 3.
we deny network loopback router 1 at router input 2, then router 2 cannot call loopback router 1. the same thing is experienced by router 3 where loopback router 1 is also RTO of router 3.
------- prefix list - IN
filter with the prefix list selected to filter based on the netwmask. eg example command:
ip prefix-list Mpek2_IN seq 10 deny le 28
we translate so:
the Mpek2_IN prefix list label with sequence number 10 denies (deny) for network with netmask 24 => 28 (24, 25,26,27,28). where netmask 29 to the end of 32 is not in the prefixes, so it is not rejected / deny in this prefix list.
--- summarization notes ---
router 1 lets the network resume on router 3. sumary is done on router 3 with a set of commands:
1. int fa0 / 0
2. pi summary-addr ei 1
3. check sh ip route eigrp di router 1
--- unicast ---
multicast di eigrp network
with unicast, we use the next ip network to broadcast. with the aim that the eigrp update is only router sebelah saja. contoh command
1. router ei 1
2. neighbor se 1/0
3. lakukan hal yg sama di router sebelah
4. router ei1
5. neigh 12.2.121 se 1/0
6. saat dilakukan debug sebelum dan sessudah kita bisa lihat multicast yg tadinya lewat,maka berubah ke di R1 dan di R2.
---redistribute rip --
rip gunakan versi 2 untuk aktifkan no auto-summary, versi 1 default jadi classfull a, b & c
menjalankan redistribute rip
1. masuk ke eigrp
2. router ei 1
3. jalankan redistribute rip
4. gunakan metric , karena eigrp membutuhkan metric dengan lima bagian
5. jika tidak gunakan metric maka redistribute rip tidak jalan karena metric rip hanya 1 metric dimana hal ini tidak memenuhi kebutuhan metric dari eigrp
6. command yg betul :
7. redistribute rip metrix 1 1 1 1 1
-- redistribute ospf --
perlakuan distribute ospf sama persis dengan rip
---- eigrp perpindahan jalur - delay & bandwidth---
a. delay
R1 ke serial ke R2 & fastethernet ke R3. tuk tujuan ke Lo3 R3. psti lewat R3 karena fastethernet. tuk merubah lewat R2 lakukan berikut :
1. remote R1.
2. masuk ke fastethernet arah R3
3. int fa0/0
4. tambahkan nilai delay jadi 100000, karena delay di serial interface 26000. Harusnya dengan memasukkkan delay 26001 di fastether ke R3 pasti nilainya lebbih besar dan pasti dipilih. tapi agar lebih fix solustion y besarkan saja nilainya.
5. delay 100000
6 .check routing nya
7. sh ip route
8. pastikan delay fastethernet sudah lebih besar daripada serial
9. do trace
10. pastikan jalurnya lewat R2
11. kalo g lewat R2, apa link ke R2 ok ? apa nnilai delay sudah ok ?
b. bandwidth
sama hal dengan delay, kali ini bandwidth di fastethernet kita kecilkan, caranya :
1. masuk ke fast ethernet R1
2.no delay
3. bandwidth 1000
4. check lagi jalurnya apa sudah ke lewat R2 ?
untuk clear existing eigrp lakukan command :
do clear ip eigrp ne
catatan :
1. perubahan angka bandwidth di interface tidak pengaruhi real bandwidth di interface
2. delay dipengaruhi oleh delay antar interface juga delay di interface yg di tuju (: lo0 di R3)
3. karena 2 jalur, pilih mana ? delay dulu atau bandwidth dulu ? harus hitung secara keseluruhan metric.
-- load balance --
1. equal load balance. terjadi pada interface yg memiliki port & kecepatan yang sama maka traffic share count masing-masing interface = 1
2. UnEqual Load Balance, terjadi jika ingin menggunakan kedua link interface tapi speed yg berbeda. pembagian terjadi dengan menghitung : composite metric terbesar di bagi composite metric yg kecil. hasilnya hitungnya dibulatkan ke atas. lalu hasil pembulatan itu dimasukkan jadi variance di router eigrp.
command :
0. contoh hitung : composite metric 2739200/435200 = 6.29411764706, dibulatkan ke atas jadi 7
1. router ei 1
2. variance 7
3. check hasil : sh ip route
4 .hasil share count : 120 & 90 .
5 .share count 120 di metric besar.
6 .share count 90 di metric kecil.
7. sehingga pembagian bandwidthnya adalah metric besar 7x lebih besar transfer nya daripada yg metric kecil. atau 7x kirim paket, dibanding 1x kirim paket.
Sprint Newsroom: Boost Mobile Adds Samsung Galaxy A10e to Phone Lineup
Boost Mobile Adds Samsung Galaxy A10e to Phone Lineup
IRVINE, Calif., July 16, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Boost Mobile has added another amazing smartphone to its lineup. The Samsung Galaxy A10e is available now and for a limited time, consumers looking to make the switch can head into a Boost Mobile store and get the smartphone for just $49.99 (plus tax).1
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Thursday, 11 July 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Sprint Lights Up True Mobile 5G in Chicago
Sprint Lights Up True Mobile 5G in Chicago
CHICAGO, July 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sprint's (NYSE: S) on-the-go customers can now experience the power and performance of True Mobile 5G across the heart of Chicago. The next generation of wireless service is here, delivering coverage and mobility with blazing-fast download speeds for approximately 700,000 people. True Mobile 5G from Sprint is set to power new experiences for wireless customers, from gaming and entertainment services, to IoT and business applications.
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Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Sprint Works with Home Health Organization to Bring Job Resources to Caregivers
Sprint Works with Home Health Organization to Bring Job Resources to Caregivers
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., July 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sprint (NYSE: S) is proud to announce that Ultimate Care, a home health care company based in New York, has selected Sprint as its exclusive mobile service provider to give home health aides reliable access to important medical and employee resources when working in patients' homes. As part of the relationship, Sprint is providing the company's employees with Samsung smartphones to improve overall efficiency and give them instant access to critical resources needed to properly care for their patients.
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Monday, 1 July 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Go Big and Bold with LG Styloâ„¢ 5 Available Now on Boost Mobile
Go Big and Bold with LG Styloâ„¢ 5 Available Now on Boost Mobile
IRVINE, Calif., July 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Boost Mobile today announced that LG Stylo™ 5 is now available at BoostMobile.com for $199.99 (plus tax). With a remarkable design, including a long-lasting battery life*, and brilliant wide-angle, rear and front cameras, LG Stylo™ 5 can help you capture all your best moments while on the go this summer.
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Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Sprint Offers Simple and Affordable International Calling to Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Venezuela
Sprint (NYSE:S) wants customers to connect simply and affordably with friends and family across the globe. Starting today, Sprint is offering two new international long-distance options that allow customers to call Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Venezuela from the United States. The new offers, Colombia Unlimited and 200 International Connect, provide customers one of the greatest values that Sprint has ever offered for international long distance – just $5 extra per month on select unlimited plans.
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Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Boost Mobile Adds Coolpad Legacyâ„¢ to Device Lineup
Boost Mobile Adds Coolpad Legacyâ„¢ to Device Lineup
IRVINE, Calif., June 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Boost Mobile is expanding its device portfolio just in time for the start of summer, with the addition of the Coolpad Legacy.™ Priced at $99.99 (plus tax), Coolpad Legacy is a feature-rich smartphone available for purchase today in Boost Mobile stores nationwide and online at BoostMobile.com. For a limited time, however, consumers looking to make the switch can head into a Boost Mobile store and get the smartphone for just $49.99 (plus tax).1
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Monday, 17 June 2019
Sprint Newsroom: Sprint Enables Customers to Track Just About Anything with Tracker + Safe & Found
Sprint Enables Customers to Track Just About Anything with Tracker + Safe & Found
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., June 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sprint (NYSE: S) today announced the availability of Tracker + Safe & Found. Customers can now track just about anything thanks to this small, matchbook-sized device and the Safe & Found app, only available from Sprint.
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